Dosificador, Microingredientes, Dosificación sólidos, Automatización procesos MCR Investigación y Aplicaciones a Procesos
Minor ingredients doser model DMSn Minimize

The DMSn allows to dose solid products with high precision and in a continuous way. 

Its functionality can be extended to control the storage of raw materials and their pneumatic conveying to the DMSn doser.

It's also possible to extend the DMSn functionality to control the pneumatic conveying of the dosed material to the target place. Any way the functionality of our dosers can be customized for each application.

DMS4 doser

Dosificador sense tapes laterals

Main features:
  • Modular system: it can be extended to 6, 8 or more products.
  • It can work in automatic or in manual mode.
  • Automatic cut off tail value correction.
  • Equipped with a mixer per product.
  • It can be connected to silos and it can receive liquids.
  • Remote access via Internet.
  • Traceability.
  • Recipe control.
  • Historicals and alarms.
  • General dimensions: width: 1520mm, height: 1280mm, depth: 1230mm.
Special features:
  • Capacity per doser: from 60 liters.
  • Maximum capacity per dosage: 22 liter.
  • Precision: ±3 gram.
  • Accurate and hygienic dosing even with complicated products.
  • Usual products: milk powder, salt, improvers, additives, milk proteins, egg powder, sugar, etc.

Transport (target)